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1 freetoken  Tue, Jun 28, 2011 8:56:25pm

I don't believe this qualifies as an "outrageous outrage" for this reason:

As part of the Tea Party generic position Medicare (and Medicaid) are part of a nebulous evil that government perpetrates upon the victim tax payers. Bachmann has positioned herself as head of the Tea Party movement (at least in so far as Republican candidates go, usurping the originator of the concept - Ron Paul), and she has constantly lashed out at government "over reach", government programs, welfare, etc.

It's part of the overall hypocrisy of Michelle Bachmann that her family willingly participates in government programs like Medicaid and yet she campaigns against the evils of welfare and government spending. And this is just one example.

It's a right and proper and I think necessary to call out Bachmann on these issues.

2 Bob Dillon  Tue, Jun 28, 2011 9:13:26pm

The media obviously has double standards.

3 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You  Tue, Jun 28, 2011 9:18:11pm

re: #1 freetoken

I don't believe this qualifies as an "outrageous outrage" for this reason:

As part of the Tea Party generic position Medicare (and Medicaid) are part of a nebulous evil that government perpetrates upon the victim tax payers. Bachmann has positioned herself as head of the Tea Party movement (at least in so far as Republican candidates go, usurping the originator of the concept - Ron Paul), and she has constantly lashed out at government "over reach", government programs, welfare, etc.

It's part of the overall hypocrisy of Michelle Bachmann that her family willingly participates in government programs like Medicaid and yet she campaigns against the evils of welfare and government spending. And this is just one example.

It's a right and proper and I think necessary to call out Bachmann on these issues.

Taking her on for claiming and excepting farm subsidies is one thing, attacking her because her husband accepts a few medicaid payments is another. Show how she was responsible for her husbands decision to take medicaid payments to attempt to help people seeking mental health treatment or this is an attempt at manufacturing a completely groundless Outrageous outrage.

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